Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's Hunting Season

It's that time of the year again when "real men" come out to the country and stir up the wildlife so you can hit more of them on the gravel roads. It was really warm today. Kinda unexpected. There is a Garter snake that lives out here somewhere. It's getting bigger. I saw him today and he's about two and a half feet long. I wish He'd eat the gophers! Oh well....

Kinda quiet today, big football game tomorrow. Chargers play Green Bay. There are a lot of Packer fans around here, 2nd most popular team in this area just behind the Minnesota Vikings.

Q: Why doesn't North Dakota have a professional football team?
A: Because then, Minnesota would want one.

More soon


Suzanne Lanoue said...

I didn't know garter snakes got that big! Wow. You should take pic and post it.

What are you growing there if anything?

Patrick! said...

Maybe it's a corn snake, but anyway, it suddenly comes into view and I barely get to say "Good Morning" to it, much less get to run into the house and get a camera and then try to find it again.

Another snake story: When my friend comes over to move bales, he puts them alongside the barn. So, I'm peeling apart the last bale and I'd come across snake twice before sleeping in the bale, so I'm a little concerned that I'll grab him along with the hay and slip it to the horses and then they'll come across him while eating and much chaos ensues. So I'm looking for him and I don't find him. After feeding the nags, I look over at this pile of fencing I have there, and he's just sitting there suning himself. Wow. (Is that not the most non-story story you've ever heard?)

What are we growing? Wood-eating horses. We currently have about 20 acres of hay. hay is a generic term. In this case it means long leaf grass. No biggee. We're thinking of putting in Alfalfa next year. (Maybe Spanky will come along, too) It's better feed for the horses and is worth more. Since I pay for the cutting and bailing with bales, I might be able to keep more. Last year, we went through 18 bales from November to early July. I heard someone was getting $16.00 or more for small square bales of alfalfa because they were going down to N.O. where there are horses but not a lot of feed growers. Alex, his grilfriend Kayy-Cee, and Laurie planted flowers during the spring. Alex went a little over-board, of course. The wild flowers he planted around my flagpole are about 5 feet high. A couple more frosts will take care of them, though. So, Flowers, Hay (grass) is about all we grow. I'll try to post some p[ictures of the place soon.

Patrick! said...

Here's another note, Kasey, the son of my trainer and the one who is training Allie and Ringo, was just in the Devils Lake annual rodeo. Kasey rides bulls (yeah, he's a stud) and took first place overall in the rodeo. Great Job, Kacey! Karma hasn't posted anything about it yet at Believe in Dreams but you should check it out anyway. Kaycey is shown riding Ringo and holding his new niece.

Anonymous said...

I guess I am one of those "real men" eh Patrick? Micks! Any how thought I would say something to let you know I was here. I added it to favorites so I will check it out from time to time. Maybe help you ward off a few liberals!

Later Patrick take care and God Bless!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I forgot. Hope your car makes it through this deer season unharmed. Happy Hunting!

Suzanne Lanoue said...

Pat, you're not hunting, are you?

That is a good story about the snake :)

If I had all that land, I would start a garden. I was thinking about doing it anyway...fresh vegetables are great.