Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Out Riding

I have something to write about, but we went to the trainer's to see the horses. The women rode both Ringo and Ally and I rode Ringo. Their training is going great. I'm a little sore because of something that happened a couple of weeks ago so one was enough. It's starting to get cold here. 50 degrees isn't really cold by standards here but it's always a shock when it starts turning. The trees are pretty. I'd like toget some pictures. Well, it's late and I am an early riser (not by choice) but I wanted to post something daily if possible. Tomorrow I'm planning to state my views on illegal immigration.



Suzanne Lanoue said...

Hey, you should get a better pic, that one doesn't look like you.

You should also read and reply to your comments! :)

Patrick! said...

A better picture

Patrick! said...

OOps! this is still new. patience please.

Copmments will follow and A better picture will be found.