We have three horses. Ringo, Ally, (shown) and Whiskey. Currently Ally and Ringo are at the trainers learning how to be horses. Whiskey has already come back but doesn't seemed to have gotten it. Our buddies are part or wholly Arabians and we got them from a rescue ranch in South Dakota. I have not been around horses before, so this is all new to me. It's exciting and I'm eager to learn. We hope to have the three of them trained soon so we can go riding in the snow. My daughter assures me this is very cool. She has the most experience so she must know. I'm learning about electric fencing, saddles, bridles, hay, round pens, lunging and all sorts of neat stuff. There is a good picture of me riding Whiskey at the blogspot listed below. Check it out!
*** Check out Karma's Believe In Dreams Ranch in the Links ***
Way Cool! You truly live in God's country. Like to see more pics.
Great Googly Moogly! that guy's picture is enough to scare the fish.
A word of advice, stay at the pointy end of the horse, the round end is bad news. As you said common sence...
Here comes the left! The Govinator and our own Mayor have to weigh in on the definition of marriage.
My reaction: If it works don't fix it!!! There has got be many more important issues to consider.
A small vocal minority should not dictate the policies regarding the foundations this country was built on. Oh well, Nuff about da news.
Lookin foward to some of that country wisdom in future posts.
Don't Eat Yellow Snow!!!
P.S. The quotes were too easy, I'll let someone else give them a try.
Welcome to the blogosphere! :)
I hope you keep writing here...too many people lose interest.
Hawkeye, good to hear from you. I'm going to attempt to wax political as well as other things like my car.
Semper Fi
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