Saturday, November 3, 2007

Smarter, Faster, Stronger

An obvious ploy to rope in some of the younger bloggers. Hey! Haven't been here for a little bit. Busy, Busy, y'know. Just started a class in Spanish. been through two weeks so far. Kinda fun. I've no G.P.A. to worry about so there's no pressure. Taking it with Laurie, Alex, and Kay-Cee so it's a blast. They all hate me because I aced the first test. It wasn't that hard and I accually had time to study. Laurie works maybe more than I do and has been studying for her RN boards which are more important. Alex and Kaycee have other classes so they have a lot to do. I just work, so I have time to study. Also I lived in San Diego working in restaurants for thirty years so I have a basic knowledge of Spanish as well as a lot of learned nouns.

One of the surrounding farmers is out spraying Anhydros Ammonia on his field. This is prep for next spring. It's cool that I sit by my back window and get to watch them do stuff. And right now, the wind break around the house has lost it's leaves, so I can see through it.

I told my instructor about Gordo, a comic strip I used to read in SD. Gordo ran from the 40's to the 80's but I remember it from the 60's. Quite an interesting strip that gave me a lot of background in Mexican culture.

I'm going to have to winterize the motocicletas for the winter. I'm not sure how yet, but I'll find out.

I'm supposed to work 4 - 10 hour days, but there has been some overtime available and also each mould has to work every third Monday through the end of the year. When we go in on Mondays, we get to leave as soon as we get the blade done and clean up. So, we only get 5 or 6 hours in. It's not a lot of overtime, but it ensures me of 40 + hours each week. I've been going in and helping other moulds every Monday anyway. We were supposed to go in this MOnday, but have ben told we don't have to. I probably will anyway for the extra hours. Hey! at over time I get over $20.00 an hour. Why not?

More soon.
Yer Blogger,

1 comment:

Suzanne Lanoue said...

That's cool that you guys are taking Spanish. Was there any particular reason behind it?

¡Buena suerte!