Monday, September 29, 2008

No life here

No one's reading this anyway, so I'll just say what's on my mind. We know who is responsible for this financial crisis and who tried to do something about it. Barney Frank sat there in congressional hearings in 2005 and lied about the ability of Fannie and Freddie to stay afloat. They (Democrats) lied about F. Raines' ability to manage such an entity. Then congress ignored all the warnings of Pres. Bush and Sen. McCain and others that this was going to fail. It failed and so they want to blame the President's policies, and the Republicans in general. Phoo.

The new deal comes to vote today and they can't get it passed. They even have Bush"s arm twisted so if they pass it, he won't veto it. They have enough Dems in congress that they don't even need Republicans to get it through. It failed to pass. Which means they are so out-of-touch that they can't even get all the Democrats on board.

This deal is bad and if you don't think you want to pay for the crimes and misdealings of Rains, Johnson, Frank and the others, you'd better call your representatives and tell them. Then make sure you get to the polls in November so these people don't get to run the country like they are running Fannie and Freddie.

I especially like Pelosi calling the republicans unpatriotic just when she needs their votes. She can't help turning this into some partisan mudslinging affair.

Wake up people they lunatics are trying to run the asylum.


Stephen said...

It's funny, I seem to be stuck between 2 wild @$$ brothers; both with extreme political views. One is an extremely conservative republican & the other is extremely liberal(?) almost to the point of total anarchy. I feel myself to be mildly liberal & usually vote Democrat. What always seems funny to me is that people are so busy complaining about the crooks in other parties, that they ignore the ones in their own. I kinda feel like Pogo sometimes.

Suzanne Lanoue said...

Pat, if you keep saying that no one reads your blog, you're going to piss off the few readers you have :)

Patrick! said...

It would just be nice if they left a note or two. I know you and stephen read it but how do I know anyone else does? And Stephen I don't like crooks in either party. My complaint is about how shady deals are causing our economy big problems.