Due to a great clamor for more information, here's the lowdown on my useless hay-burners. We have three horses, Alli, Ringo, and Whiskey. Alli is a girl, and the other two are geldings. (Yes, Alli is very frustrated.) We got them from a rescue place in S. Dakota and attempted to have them broke last summer. We got them back and it was next to impossible to get a halter on them much less a saddle. I tried to Ride Whiskey one day and he threw me. He bucked and hit me in the face with his head. I remember being hit and then I remember being in the air and then on the ground. I was messed up for a couple of weeks. Later, we had just gotten Ringo and Alli back and I got on Ringo. He spooked and started running full out. I deceided this was the last place I wanted to be, so I got off. Getting off a moving horse is a lot more violent then it sounds. I also almost slid into a post in the ground. Alli is the only one we've ever been on here at home without the trainers around, and someone has to hold the reins on the ground and walk with her. We are currently trying to figure out if we want to keep them and try with a different trainer or get rid of them. I feed them every day and we are great friends. I just can't ride them. At least feeding them is relatively cheap as we have 20 acres of hay field. A parrot might be more fun. You can see the other two on the Sept.17, 2007 post
As I wrote previously, I thought that was the case. Had you done any riding prior to those incidents? If not, one hopes and assumes that you will become better at it as time goes on, otherwise one hopes that you and your horses will become more compatible if their temperament makes that possible!
I admit to not being really informed reference this oil shale issue, but I for one hope we can develop our own domestic resources if it can be done without a _REALLY_-negative impact on the environment! After all, _SOMETHINNG_ has to be done, else gasoline prices will presumably continue to, as is said, spiral out of control. At least we have you and others to bring the less-informed among us "up to speed" as it were!
By the bye, was it you who had the birthday yesterday? If so, please accept my belated congratulations!
Hoping, as usual, that this finds you well,
J. V.
Happy Birthday to Laurie!! We were glad to see her & Liza when they were here. Can I get her blog url? Or am I too much of an old geezer?
I haven't done much riding prior to this, but that wasn't the problem. The horses are cantankerous. We're thinking of going for an extended vacation in Nov. So we might sell them and think about getting some ridable ones later. For now they're just pets earing their keep by clearing wind breaks. And the birthday boy was my brother Stephen. He discribes himself as a really tall hobbit and it is hobbit custom to give your friends and family gifts on your bithday instead of recieving them. That's what that was all about. I'll have to ask Eliza about her url she is very private about it and doesn't want me to have it.
I visited your brother's blog, and was reminded there how important San Diego's Comicon is to your family, something about which I received additional refreshers from your sister, we having discussed this previously.
It was good to again be reminded about how your son had turned his life around before joining the Army, and of his attitude, etc., once he did! Hopefully it is not a sacrilege to place this more-serious observation in a thread with a lighter origin, but, you having just commented here, I thought it might be more efficient that way.
I am having a worrisome issue with my left ear, but hope that _MAYBE_ an MRI of the brain which I had last week has revealed something with which the doctor can conveniently work, though I fear that the loud noises the machine made during the study, despite the earplugs I was given, may have agrivated the situation while seeking to remedy it. I have had on-and-off problems with that ear since the early 1960's if memory serves, but at widely-spaced intervals. Yet this time, unlike previous episodes, the doctor could not see anything wrong with just his instruments. I have my next appointment this coming Friday if all goes well.
Hoping, as usual, that this finds you well,
J. V.
p.s. And, lest I neglect the original premise of this thread, I hope you make the best possible decisions for you and your family reference your horses, and, if you decide to acquire new ones, that they will prove more congenial to ride!
Thanks, JV, any comment about Jeremiah is appreciated. Just to further your ideas about our Comic-con involvement, Stephen and I were minor members of the original staff when the con began many, many years ago.
Perhaps this belongs in the thread about your son's death, but, since you and I are already talking here, here it goes.
I think you might enjoy a story in the _Tulsa_ _Beacon_ called "Above It All," about the reunion of a class from the Marine Corps Basic School recently held in this area. Since it came to me as a Google News Alert for "Marine Band," I regretably do not have a direct URL to offer, but you doubtless may obtain it using your search engine of choice. I think you should particularly be pleased with the ending of this story.
J. V.
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