Saturday, May 10, 2008

Finally Finished Deathly Hallows!

Yes, I finally finished the last Harry Potter book. I'm not a huge fan but they are intriguing. I got into them because My sister-in-law was reading them to my daughter when they first started. I saw the first couple of movies and then my wife and I did a couple of audio-books. The story line has been good enough to keep my interest and now I'm done with them. I will never be a fan of Rowling as she stated in a press conference one of he things she built into the background but never put in the actual books was that Professor Dumbledore was gay. It made no difference to the story and was completely unnecessary to put in. It was publicity all the way. A bad move - I say.


Suzanne Lanoue said...

So because the author says something separate from the books that you don't agree with, it will keep you from being a fan of them? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. I haven't read the books, but I love the movies.

Patrick! said...

What I said was 1) I wasn't a big fan of the stories but they were interesting. I mean, it's not like it's Stephen King. and 2) I'm not a fan of the writer because there was no reason for her to fabricate something that has no bearing on the stories just to be controversial.

Suzanne Lanoue said...

Well, I don't think she was fabricating it...they are her own stories and I'm sure she has extensive backgrounds on all of the characters....that's what writers do.


Anyway, as I understand it, that was one of those things that the media blew up out of context. She was asked a specific question during a q&a press conference for her books, about whether Dumbledore had ever fallen in love, so she answered honestly. I don't think she was trying to do it for publicity.


I forgot you liked Stephen King. I just finished one of his Richard Bachman novels not too long ago. It was good but kind of depressing, even for him. Not gory, just sort of sad and pointless. Do you like Dean Koontz? He is one of my favorites.

Patrick! said...

No, I haven't read any Koontz, yet but I might soon. Bachman books are rarely as suspensful as King books.

But back to Rowling, No matter what kind of question was asked, I see no reason to add that kind of controversial baggage when it has nothing to do with the story. But that's just my feeling.

Does anybody else have an opinion on the subject?

Unknown said...

Albus Dumbledore, the head of the famed Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft is gay says the author. That’s just great. So walking the halls of a boarding school full of children is a man in authority with this issue (and possibly a woodie) lurking behind his long gray beard. Gay doesn’t mean pedophile but it's an easy joke to make. :)

It is certainly Rowling’s business how her creations develop. What she did though, was open a door of speculation on an old man’s crotch in a children’s fantasy story. I’m sure her well-to-do gay friends were thrilled to hear it though. Nothing happens in a vacuum.

Enough said on that topic.

Hello you two.

Regarding Stephen King, THE TALISMAN, his collaboration with Peter Straub was a fun read.


Patrick! said...

Hey! Welcome to my wurld! I just don't think it's relevant to the story and means nothing to be said after the fact. Face it the Potter novels are done and Albus is dead, so who cares and why bring it up?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

People for and against the Harry Potter series will scrutinize every molecule of information about Dumbledore in the books through this new lens. They will see hints, clues and shadows that are and aren’t there. It’s what devoted fans and opponents do. They are involved with the story and care about it; you aren’t and don’t.

JVaughan said...

I have heard that Miss? Rowling is to be Harvard's commencement speaker this year, and her address may be heard, if one wishes, on Harvard's radio station, WHRB, this coming Thursday in the neighbourhood of 3 p.m. WHRB's URL is, and the links to both the high and low-bandwidth streams are not far down the page.

As you may or may not know, I have been corresponding rather regularly with your sister since 2004, we first having exchanged in 2003, though, from what I currently gather, I may be closer to you politically than to her, though she and I manage to find much about which to talk. Since this is not your latest post, and if I may say so, I hope you manage to read this comment.

Hoping that this finds you well,

J. V.

Patrick! said...

J.V.! Thanks for the comment! I don't know who you are as my sis and I have never talked about this sort of thing. She's a bit of a lib, but it makes for some interesting conversations with her. I hope you keep reading and commenting. I won;'t make the commencement, but I think Gary hit the nail on the head by reminding us that these are children's stories so such subjects should be left for a more mature audience.