Thursday, May 1, 2008

There's never a cop around when you need one

I'm sitting at lunch today having a conversation and I say how I'm getting S&T of all these loudmouth countries starting trouble in the world. For example, all the ones who abuse or murder their own people while living in the lap of luxury. Venezula, Cuba, North Korea, China, Iran, Iraq (during Hussain), etc. Every time one of these guys starts trouble like starting a nuclear weapon program, we act concerned and send in diplomats from here or the Useless Nations to try to talk to them. They don't listen much and seem to have no motivation to take us seriously.

Maybe we need to just act like the world's strongest nation and kick some butt. I don't mean invade and try to take over, just capture some leaders or something. When Kim Jong Il was messing around with missles, we should have just blown the missles up, slap him on the wrist and said "no".

Remember when we were kids and Dad said "Don't make me come up there!" We knew it was time to settle down. Parents didn't come up and try to negotiate or persude.

So this guy says: "Do you want us to be the world's policeman?" This is one of those liberal statements that you have to back down to or you look like a bully. But Hey! These countries are messing with the peace of the world. This being the same world that they want to be an economic part of. So I had to answer " yes, I do." It's in our own best intrest to have stable countries in the world and if they want to sit at the grownup's table they need to act like grownups. Otherwise it's out to the woodshed for a little applied learning.

Maybe you think it's tragic to be punished for misdeeds, but the people and countries in this world need to be held accountable for their actions and responsible for their citizens. Maybe in a short time the U.S. will be able to stop losing it's children if we make it too expensive to not listen.

Then maybe the U.N. can join in with a real peace keeping force and not a bunch of toothless old men afriad of their own shadows.

Yeah, you might not agree, but you can always move to Spain where they historically give in to pressure.


Smith said...

"Then maybe the U.N. can join in with a real peace keeping force and not a bunch of toothless old men afraid of their own shadows."

Nope. It won't happen. :-)

Patrick! said...

Oh yeah? read Revelations. Where do you think the one-world government gets it's start?