Sunday, May 4, 2008

A quiet kind of day (wait for it)

We're having a quiet day, kinda. Our church is doing the graduation recognition dinner soon and the wife is preparing a CD of pictures of Eliza for the presentation they'll do.

This one may be included. Isn't she cute? This pictures name is, "I said no pictures"

Anyway Alexander is 21 today so my wife and I, Alex and his girl are going out tonight to celebrate. Eliza has volunteered to be the DD as she just turned 18. Sweet girl. I'm sure I'll have some pictures from tonight and I'll try to post some of the less embarrassing ones.

1 comment:

eliza_jayne_mcglone said...

You could have put a more flattering picture of me... like one where I'm not 200lbs..¤t=eliza.jpg