Friday, February 7, 2014

Build This!

So, I’m thinking about something I posted once about Elizabeth Warren who mirrored Obama’s statements about how, if you are successful in this country “you didn’t build it.” I basically said that the people who built the roads and such got paid for their labors so someone who builds a great business along one of those roads, does not owe them any more money. Not to mention the roads and towns and even the railroads were not originally built by government, but by citizens and business people.

This led me to thinking about the Utopian paradise the Progressives are trying to transform our country into. It’s not like they went into a third world country where there is no rule of law, no civil society, or even a truly functioning government. These people take the most free, the most generous, and most prosperous land of opportunity in the history of mankind, and try to “fundamentally transform” it into their dream society.

If they ever succeed in destroying the Constitution based system we have, the result will not be what they dream it will be and I’d have to say “They didn’t build it”. They had to start with a functioning, prosperous society to fuel their efforts.

I’m reminded of a joke where some scientists call on God and tell him they have become just like God. “we can make a man from a handful of clay” they tell God. He says, “Show me”. One scientist bends down and grabs a handful of dirt, and God says, “Hold it. Get your own dirt.”

Progressives: Get your own country.


Unknown said...

QUOTE: "If they ever succeed in destroying the Constitution based system we have, the result will not be what they dream it will be."

Our constitutional rights are on the chopping block. Rights put in place for us to protect ourselves from the very people who want to get rid of them.

Unknown said...

As i usually lean conservative and am a HUGE 2nd Amendment supporter I have had some "battles" if you will, about my views and opinions on what is going on right now. Usually the person who I get into discussions about such things is with my godfather. My godfather lives in Chicago IL. I have a lot of respect with my godfather and wouldn't change a thing about him or the relationship i have with him. We do however have VERY different opinions about politics and the current administration. The following is a copy and pasted conversation i had in the comment section of my public facebook post last month.


Who's ready for round 2 of president Obama's gun control?


First comment (godfather):
I'm just ready for you to stop complaining....

Second Comment (Me):
Gun control does not work. It is a proven fact. The areas with the most and strictest gun control have by far higher crime rates. The facts and statistics are there and they choose to ignore them. The only thing it accomplishes is the limitation on our constitutional rights. It's not a gun problem it's a people problem. And I'm not complaining, I am angry. Angry about our constitutional rights being on the chopping block. Rights put in place for us to protect ourselves from the very people who want to get rid of them. Im not just complaining on Facebook. I have written and voiced my opinion and views to my congressmen. Our constitution is what made this country great and desirable for others to come to. It is written in plain English but according to our lunatic VP it is "open for interpretation" and "no ordinary American citizen cares about their constitutional rights" (yes those words actually came out of his mouth!). I care. A lot of citizens care and if more people were educated on the constitution all would care. Unfortunately most people are comfortable sitting idly by and won't begin to care until it is too late. Pacifism will not serve this country or it's citizens well. And unfortunately defending your rights, civil liberties, opinions, and points of view has become synonymous with "complaining". It is that rhetoric that used as spin on people trying to defend their rights and points of view.

Third Comment (different FB friend):
Well said!...

Fourth Comment (godfather):
We could spend days on this debate and I'm not going to waste our time because we are on total opposite sides on this one. Sorry Kole.

Fifth Comment (Me):
As always I respect your opinions.

END __________________________________________

Now, I understand that he wanted to voice his opinion on the issue and i was prepared for a conversation so i kept everything civil and respectful. However, when i usually defend myself or voice my opinion i often times get a deflection or a simple response that evades the conversation. I'm not saying anybody is wrong i would just like to hear valid facts and points on why they support what they support. I understand that some people dont want an argument to degrade our repore or relationship we have. However it seems whenever I get into a conversation with somebody about politics i state my opinions and facts and i usually get nothing back. I wish more people would engage because they might find out that they may not believe in so what they "believe in". Also they would be able to put some weight in their beliefs and have a chance to "change my mind".

Patrick! said...

The problem with debating the average person, is that they are not really informed on the issues or the underlying concepts. They frequently are parroting what they've heard on CNN or MSNBC, and think their opening statements will suffice. When you challenge those statements, they don't have anything to fall back on. If they were truly interested in the subject they would be open to the possibility of understanding the opposing point of view, but they aren't.