Okay, so I'm watching O'Rielly, and he's talking about Obama. The basic discussion is how well we know Obama and his core beliefs. Bill is talking to Dr. Lamont Hill. (I just want to say this is not about Obama, it's about Dr. Hill) and Bill mentions that Obama says he was introduced to his christian faith through Rev. Wright and how would he reconcile his christianity with his stands on abortion rights. Well, Dr. Hill says it's not a problem because abortion rights are consistant with true christianity. The fundamentalists have it wrong when they say the bible stands against it. Bill is floored and askes Dr. Hill is he thinks Jesus would agree with the far left approach to abortion. Dr. Hill states that Jesus would be even further on the left!
Wait! I know that just when you think you've got things figured out, someone will surprise you anyway. This "guy" Hill is a loon. I don't know what bible he's been reading from. If God says he knew the prophet Jeremiah before he was born and indeed knew even the number of hairs on his head, this seems to make God's position is that once conceived, you are a person, and therefore granted the right to live long enough to make a decision for or against faith. It follows, then, that abortion is murder because it interferes with this right. This is a foundational idea and Dr. Hill, if he has had any study, if not belief, in Christianity should know this.
This guy is just a loon and always surprises me on how far out he is. It doesn't help to know he is teaching young people in college.