Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I am so thankful for Liberals. I have come to realize that they are a neccesary facet of our culture. Here's why. Conservatism, in my opinion, is the correct standard for a society. The basic tenents of hard work, faith, Government non-interference in citizen's lives, Government sponsored protection of our way of life, leads to a stronger society. However, because we are people, we go astray. When society devolves to selfishness or loses it's focus on the things that matter, then the Liberals come in and start a "cultural revolution". In the 60's because bigotry and a focus on a rather plastic lifestyle had become the way things were, a group of people dropped-out (but were never silent) and gave the country a good hard look at the direction it was going. It got straightened out and we moved on. twenty years later, it happened again. Not so much because the cold war was a wrong, or our doing, but because the average person was more focused on his own life and getting ahead. A lot of needs in the country and the world needed addressing but we just wanted to watch Miami Vice and dance. The punk movement brought about needed social awareness and brought us back to center. Now, it's starting to happen again and the Liberals are causing people to become interested and involved. The only problem I have with all this is that once the Liberals get us centered, they want to keep moving left and jump down the rabbit hole towards socialism. What should happen is we wake up and cling to the ideas that we should be about and drop the ones that are selfish. Liberals want to throw out everything as though it's conservatism that's wrong and move towards a system that has never worked anywhere for very long. (aren't you glad I didn't say the baby with the bathwater?). This is my story and I'm sticking to it.


Suzanne Lanoue said...

Happy 4th!

Funny, I don't equate "hard work" with conservatives, especially those like George Bush who had everything handed to them on a silver platter!

I know plenty of liberals who believe in hard work (and faith for that matter).

To me, conservatives represent greediness, lack of compassion for their fellow beings, wanting to run everyone else's lives, ignorance and fear.

Patrick! said...

Yeah, hard work, that's why so many of the upper class is made up of hollywood and music types. Yeah, I know you think of art as hard work, but many in those industries are off spring of accomplished parents with plenty of silver just like Bush. Also almost all unbelievers are liberals. Don't forget that the anti-slavery movement was what gave birth to the Republican party because the Whigs didn't care one way or the other and the Demecrats were for the continuation of it. Republicans have compassion but they don't just want to always give everything away to people who don't want to work for it. And don't forget that Christians give more money to charity and operate and found more charities than liberals. And, since conservatives are for small government and self reliance, it's the liberals who constantly pass laws to control people's lives. If you listen to talk radio, conservatives usually try to talk in facts while liberals usually just slander. This is true. But, happy 4th and raise a cup of cool-aid for me. LOve ya, sis.