Friday, January 3, 2014


Just because we had so much going on at the time, Jericho was one series we missed seeing. It was only 30 episodes and 23 of them was the first season. Since we don't have cable right now, we've been using our Roku and watching things we missed. We really enjoyed the series. I'm sorry it's gone, but that's the mark of a good endeavor. I understand they continued it in comic form, and there's talk of either a film or another season.

I think the reason it didn't do so well, is that it was a bit too advanced for it's time. How often has tha happened? I can think of two other series that had the same problem. Firefly and Star Trek. Why else would shows such as Fringe and Lost do so well while equally great shows don't?

I guess timing is everything and it takes a Lost or X-Files to pave the way.

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