At church today they were using a photo of NYC as a background for song lyrics. It dawned on me that I was becomming angry looking at the photo which featured the twin towers.
I am angry because some third world thugs came here and destroyed them. I am angry because after eight years they haven't been rebuilt. I am angry because the national debate is controlled by cowardly people who 1) are afraid of those who would oppose us and 2) Hate their own country for prospering beyond all the other peoples in the world by their own hand and feel somehow it isn't fair just because we were willing to work for it and others aren't.
Every country makes mistakes and injustices in their growing, but haven't we done far more good in the world, gone out of our way to correct things? All of Europe owes it's present existance to our efforts and sacrifice. Many Asian countries do too. We have spent more in resources in Africa than any other country. We have tried to stop the drug, human, and gun trades in South America as well.
Are we meddling or are we trying to help other's have what we have. Don't condem the U.S. for trying to help spread democracy and then say what we have is so good we should allow everyone who wants to come here and live off us without any pledge of allengience.
Don't try to talk to me about how wonderful it is in Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, China or North Korea. I'm getting damn tired of the mealy-mouthed liberal voices in this country whining about what bullys we are. Let them go to one of these socialist countries and build their paradise there. If it works, then we'll consider it. Believe in God, The Constitution, and the principles of the Founding Fathers. Be thankful for the blood spilled across the globe for the sake of freedom and democracy. Be amazed that we are the strongest but the most giving and charitable nation on Earth because of it. Do this or leave!
It really doesn't make me feel anything. At the time, it was shocking and sad. Millions of people die every day all around the world "before their time". That was 8 years ago. You didn't know anyone who died in it, and neither did I. It's a shame it happened, but there are a lot of horrible things in the world that shouldn't happen.
The US is just another country. We have no special rights or powers. Some of our country is good, some bad.
How about them Chargers? :)
I didn't see the info here about Eliza...will check back.
I don't understand your ignorance. The people of 9/11 didn't just die before their time, they were murdered by fanatics who want to destroy our way of life. If they get their way, a lot of the liberal ideas you support will be outlawed. It was an attack against you, me and everyone with citizenship in the USA. Wake up. By the way I don't expect you to come up with any really intellegent comments about this, so don't fell pressured.
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