Sunday, January 25, 2009

AP's war against Israel

An AP article appeared today focusing on the trauma suffered by the children of Gaza. My heart goes out to all victims of war especially children. However, the article is slanted to foment more hatred and bitter feelings towards Israel. Check this out: the title is "Israeli war against Hamas scars Gaza's children. " I'd like to point out that Hamas started this conflict by bombing people in Israel, so really it should read Hamas war against Israel scars children in Gaza (and Israel?). It points out that the children are developing a hatred towards Israel. Of course. These kids have been taught by their Palestinian parents that Israel is the bully long before this started and are probably not told about how men, women and children in Israel have been dying by greater numbers before Israel ever fought back. How about telling their children that the hatred they (the adults) feel towards Israel superseded their love for their children by allowing Hamas to cowardly hide amongst the people of Gaza, risking the life of the children, to indiscriminately attack the citizens of Israeli border towns. Bottom line: pray for the children of the world that they may be protected by God from the stupidity of their parents.


Anonymous said...

Patrick, it's good to someone else
say exactly what I do.

I hope there is more of us out there. Only the truth will set you free.

Someone ought to tell the obamarama
the same thing about the so called
Stimulus package.

We have never spent our way out of a financial mess, ever. It just made it worst. Now more then ever, God Bless Americia. We need it.

Patrick! said...

Thanks, Rich, Maybe I'll tirade about the package soon. I've been lax lately.