Monday, December 17, 2007

Immigration Psychosis Hits America!!!

I'm listening to this report on O'Rielly Factor and some things pop out at me that just p--- me off! Now, this has nothing to do with Bill's stand or comments on the subject or with the particular incident being covered. Here's the thing. A city in Texas has an out-of-control crime problem where many crimes are being committed by illegals. I know, not all of them but these are the ones I'm addressing and yeah, not all illegals are committing crimes. But solutions are put forward such as deporting criminals and opponents say "How are you going to distinguish good from bad?" as if being caught in the commission of a crime isn't a red flag. Then someone says "the fence needs to be finished". But they say, "they'll just get around it anyway" This is stupid. In SD where the fence is finished, crime and crossings are way down. And even if some are going to try to get around it, isn't it like saying prisoners will try to escape anyway so we shouldn't put them in prisons? Then they offer a more "intelligent" solution like just giving them driver's licences and I.D.s so they can get honest work. As if the drug dealers and thieves are going to take a legitimate job at minimum wage and stop being criminals. And we're going to pay them off with work and citizenship so they'll go straight? Give me a break. Close the border to illegal crossings and deport or imprison all aliens caught committing felonys. And yeah, you can raise my taxes to support it.


Suzanne Lanoue said...

You live in a scary world...good thing it's not real :)

Thank you for the belated birthday wishes. Guess you were snowed in for a LONG time and had NO CELL RECEPTION either! LOL!! Just teasing, it's ok.

I enjoyed the pictures! Try to stay warm.

I will try to phone you on Christmas day since we'll be here...

Patrick! said...

Maybe you think if we would just be nice to everyone, they'll be nice too. Are you suggesting Terrorism, drug trafficing, robery, and murder are the victim's fault because they weren't nice enough? Say hi to everyone in Oz for me, sis.

Suzanne Lanoue said...

LOL like I said, you live in a scary world...I sure didn't say any of that...
That's what you get for listening to BillO...he makes up stuff, too.

Suzanne Lanoue said...

If there is a crime problem, regardless of who is committing the crimes, then they need to arrest the people committing the doesn't matter if they are American citizens or not. Deportation probably won't work anyway because they'll just come back...

Feliz navidad! How are your Spanish language classes going?

Hawkeye said...

Fence hell, I think they should build a freak'n wall!!
I am very tired of having to press one for English. I feel like a stranger in a strange land. As I grew up in a world that was quite different than today. I'm really tired of seeing those Tijuana license plates with a large Hispanic woman with her head glued to a cell phone, weaving in and out, and changing lanes with abandon on the freeway.

A novel answer to the problem would be the population of Mexico rising up in revolt against their corrupt disgusting government taking back their country and turning it into the paradise, it has the potential to be. A much better place for everybody.

That way their own criminal element could stay home and victimize their own people in the safety and comfort of their very own country.
But enough of that.

Just finished a three-day run of a Christmas program at the church. It was called a Christmas dream, a twist on the Dickensian theme.
We played to packed houses three nights in a row, the last night. Over 500 people showed up. Church holds about 1400 or 1500 people and we did have the balcony closed off. So we were able to concentrate everybody downstairs near the center. I took some great pictures during the last performance, and maybe I'll send you a couple after I crop and reduce them for e-mail.
The worse part of the production was striking the set completely clearing at getting it set up for the play then striking that again, and returning the sanctuary to Sunday specifications. But that gave us an opportunity to try to make a few changes and adjustments and as it turns out. I had an idea to move the subwoofers to a different location. It made a huge difference in the way things sound.

I must admit, all the memories from high school theatrics came back, and some of the technical instincts came back to that was a good thing for me. I had to follow along and give everybody cues from the sound booth on our communication system. It worked out pretty well except when the actors decided to go off the reservation as far as their lines were concerned. Sometimes they would jump to three pages ahead or come back two or three pages in the opposite direction and worst-case to start making things up as they go along because they were so hopelessly lost. During one dress rehearsal, they were so far out in left field. We decided to cue the telephone ring, so that they would pick up their lines from that point on, surprise surprise. It worked!

Every time the actors kind of made up their own play. I had the orchestra, the lighting and sound everybody saying to me were are we? or are we lost? . Well, I was searching through the script like a madman trying to find something that looked familiar.
Long story short, we had a great run, it was great fun. And now I am the proud owner of the official Stairmaster award. It seems that everywhere I went it upstairs in the building anytime anything needed to get done. I ran up or down the stairs. I must've gone up and down those stairs. A hundred or two times. Like I say to people now, buns of steel by Christmas baby. We also have somebody almost fall through the ceiling so matter-of-fact there lay a very large piece of drywall and a leg hanging from the hole. He got the award, titled gravity is only a theory not a law.

I wished that you could have been there. I know you would have had a blast. Remember Tom Jones?

That project took up probably the whole month of December and the week after Thanksgiving. I now have about two days to Christmas shop that's good. I won't spend as much money in a short period of time.

Meanwhile at work. I've been given a raise, and I'm now in a new category an educational technician. One step from away a contract, it seems, and I've been instructed by the professor I work with to have my paperwork in order in case a contract position comes up. There's even been talk of creating a contract position out of the job I am doing now. And it would be called alternate media specialist. It's a very technical thing that I do and I also spend an incredible amount of time helping the students. It's very rewarding, and I could not believe how well this semester went. Given that I've already had a year experience under my belt. Oh well, I guess all you have to do to see how things are going to turn out is to show up.

When I read all your blog posts. I get a picture in my mind of this mountain man I used to know in person, shoveling snow feeding horses and trudging through the tundra. Remember, watch out where the Huskies go and do not eat that yellow snow. Take care bro and if nobody writes you be sure that I will from time to time.

Smith said...

Merry Christmas buddy! Hope you're staying warm and cozy!

Patrick! said...

Hey-Hey! Merry Christmas to you and your mom, bud. What do you think of the reparte?